reference project

Defining Operational Readiness for a World-Class Open-Pit Gold Mine

As part of the Operational Readiness program, trajectorE was engaged to develop approximately 100 operating contract scopes of work. These scopes were designed to clearly define performance expectations, support bid analysis, and minimize the risk of change orders.

trajectorE provided a dedicated resource to collaborate with IAMGold’s stakeholders to ensure alignment with outsourcing strategies and technical requirements. Key deliverables included reviewing and updating the client’s scope templates, conducting stakeholder kick-off meetings, defining technical requirements and evaluation criteria, and drafting and finalizing scopes of work. Additional advisory support and bid evaluation services were offered for complex contracts.

/ Project Overview


Project: Côté Gold Project

Location: Gogama, Ontario, Canada

Commodity: Gold


  • Operational Readiness
  • Contract Development
  • Technical Advisory